New York, New York - Asbestos Expert Witnesses
Southern, Bill - New York, NY
Mold Remediation, Debilitating Airborne Agents, Asbestos, Green Mold, Black Mold, Secondhand Smoke

Moline, Jacqueline - New York, NY
Occupational and Preventative Medicine, Consequences of Exposure to Asbestos

Wishnuff, Mark B. - New York, NY
Medical Director of the New York Times.

Primary expertise: Occupational Medicine -- Providing injury care at three processing plants, as well as Medical Reviews on general medical and occupational health issues. Manages long-term disability cases and return to work issues. Expertise in asbestos and lead surveillance, chemical exposures, respirator certification, occupational and environmental medicine.

Background experience includes independent medical examinations and expert witness testimony. Numerous projects with various Occupational Medicine Consultants. Education/Licenses: B.A. Biology; Graduate Degree in Biology; M.D.; M.S. in Community Health; Board Certifications in Occupational Medicine and Internal Medicine; CIME - Certified Independent Medical Examiner; MRO - Medical Review Officer

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